ABC Kimberley: Vesna Tenodi is following Wanjina’s instructions

ABC-KimberlyViolent response to Wandjina Watchers sculpture

The Wanjina Watchers in the Whispering Stone, the eight-and- a-half tonne sandstone sculpture by Australian artist Benedikt Osváth has been repeatedly vandalised by local thugs who also vandalised the ModroGorje gallery and made death threats to its owners and artists, claiming they acted under orders from a Kimberley tribesman.

As one of those tribesman says in this interview: “We can sell it, she can not”, showing the real motivation behind anger and violence. As for malicious damage and vandalism, he says: “You can get people like that to do that…”.

ABC Kimberley: Vesna Tenodi is following Wanjina’s instructions

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