Vesna Tenodi: Decoding the messages of Pre-Aboriginal rock art – Part 3 – Those paintings were created by the advanced Pre-Aboriginal races of Rajanes and Abrajanes, predating aboriginal tribes by hundreds of thousands of years

Pleistocene-Coalition-may-jun-2015 Vesna Tenodi: Decoding the messages of Pre-Aboriginal rock art – Part 3 – Those paintings were created by the advanced Pre-Aboriginal races of Rajanes and Abrajanes, predating aboriginal tribes by hundreds of thousands of years.
Don’t simply trust that the mainstream “experts” telling you a story of prehistory must know what they’re talking about. Remember, it is easy to be prodded along if you are not being given all the information, as you haven’t, or if relevant conflicting evidence is held back from you. That’s why the Pleistocene Coalition and its newsletter were formed. We bring you information you’re not going to find anywhere else. It’s your identity and the mainstream wants to control it. We all need to question the stories we’ve been told are facts and start looking into the evidence for ourselves. John Feliks, the Pleistocene Coalition

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