Here comes the Pleistocene Coalition and Vesna Tenodi

Some would think that the Australian researchers in this paper have suddenly gone extremely ‘Woke’, but the Wokeism and Cancel Culture in Australia started long before these terms even existed. This type of vilification and censorship of politically inconvenient authors was already noticed a few decades ago, started snowballing after our then Prime Minister Kevin…

Vesna Tenodi: Love Long Lost

“Love Long Lost” is part of our ongoing initiative to fight against Wokeism and Cancel Culture, as well as against aboriginalisation and aggressive ‘decolonisation’ process that is being conducted in Australia – under which the public buildings, statues and monuments, as well as private properties, art galleries and politically undesirable artworks are being vandalised and…

Why Aborigines want to burn Australia to the ground? Request to the Federal Government and Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), for an Inquiry into Aboriginal Violence on Social Media, and into Corruption in the Aboriginal Industry – includes more parts of “The Truth about Australian Aborigines – in their own words” art installation, consisting of Aboriginal ‘activists’ comments, published in the public interest, 2020

This Request for a Federal Inquiry into Aboriginal violence against non-Aboriginal Australians was sent on 07 January 2020, and was one of a number of Requests sent to Australian Government and Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) over the last thirteen years. These publications were prompted by the ongoing Aboriginal violence, vandalism and harassment of non-Aboriginal…

Open Letter to the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Request for a Federal Inquiry into Aboriginal Violence on Social Media and into Corruption in the Aboriginal Industry – includes parts of “The Truth about Australian Aborigines – in their own words” art installation, consisting of Aboriginal ‘activists’ comments, published in the public interest, 2019

This Request for a Federal Inquiry into Aboriginal violence against non-Aboriginal Australians was sent on 29 May 2019, and was one of a number of Requests sent to Australian Government over the last twelve years. These publications were prompted by the ongoing Aboriginal violence, vandalism and harassment of non-Aboriginal artists and intellectuals, and Aboriginal bullying…


Media Release: ModroZorje Wanjina Watchers Sculpture Garden opening in Europe in response to Aboriginal violent and hateful conduct and the corrupt actions of the Aboriginal Industry

ModroZorje Wanjina Watchers Sculpture Garden opening in Europe In response to Aboriginal violent and hateful conduct (including vandalism and death threats) towards our DreamRaiser art projects (an initiative to revive Aboriginal spirituality), and the corrupt actions of the Aboriginal industry, ModroGorje Gallery now has the ModroZorje sister centre in Europe, with the Wanjina Watchers in…


Fake Aborigines at Australian Universities

What Australians really think: We are waiting for the good professor, and his colleagues, to apologise to Andrew Bolt. Why is it politically acceptable for these bureaucrats to “discover” the obvious, without being ridiculed and slandered like Andrew? And like Vesna, Gina, Ben and Goomblar, we should add. Hypocrites and sycophants, the lot of them.


Breaking News – 44 Aboriginal organisations investigated for fraud and corruption, shocking misuse of taxpayer’s money, and abuse of power

Allegations of fraud, shocking waste and corruption have rocked Indigenous-run organisations around the country. There are 44 Indigenous organisations and programs currently being investigated by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet’s IAG Risk, Compliance and Integrity branch. Four Corners has learned that, in some cases, executives and other trusted figures abused their positions and…


Vesna Tenodi: Global perspective on Australian archaeology – Crimes and consequences of Aboriginal violence

 Vesna Tenodi: Global perspective on Australian archaeology – Crimes and consequences of Aboriginal violence The Pleistocene Coalition is a group of researchers challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific agendas which are promoted despite empirical evidence to the contrary. Join a community not afraid to challenge the status quo:


Vesna Tenodi: Australian artists terrorized by the taxpayer-funded Aboriginal Industry

 Vesna Tenodi: Australian artists terrorized by the taxpayer-funded Aboriginal Industry The Pleistocene Coalition is a group of researchers challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific agendas which are promoted despite empirical evidence to the contrary. Join a community not afraid to challenge the status quo:


Wanjina Watchers Dolls – protest against Aboriginal violence – international art events in support of Polish designer Ewa Smuga and the Eclipse Hotel

 Wanjina Watchers Dolls – protest against Aboriginal violence – international art events in support of Polish designer Ewa Smuga and the Eclipse Hotel Wanjina Watchers Dolls art events are held in support of Polish designer Ewa Smuga and Hotel Eclipse, to inform the international community about escalating Aboriginal violence against artists, as well as corruption…

Wanjinas - Crede ut intelligas

Open Letter to the Liberal Government; and thanks to the Office for the Arts for defunding the Arts Law Centre of Australia

Open Letter to the Liberal Government; and thanks to the Office for the Arts for defunding the Arts Law Centre of Australia Before the Federal election on 7 September 2013, this request was sent to the Liberal coalition, in expectation they will take over and liberate Australian people from the Labor Government and its tyranny.…


Lucas Grogan: Another Australian artist terrorized by Aborigines

Yes, in Australia today you can be terrorised and have your art censored for “offending” Aborigines with using a criss-cross pattern, putting three dots together, or even if any anonymous caller starts making threats of violence to artists and gallery owners. Why artist Lucas Grogan was censored: angry objectors who choose to be offended Lucas…


Cameron Hayes: The incomplete history of Milikapiti

 Cameron Hayes: The incomplete history of Milikapiti Following Aboriginal hysterical threats, Alcaston Gallery director Beverly Knight cancelled the exhibition of Melbourne-based artist Cameron Hayes a day before its opening in June… Why artist Cameron Hayes was censored: depictions of aboriginal life by white artist spark outrage Wanjina DreamRaisers WorldWide Club


The social impact of Aboriginal hate in contemporary Australian society

Silencing the voices of reason, a social, political and archaeological study, examining art censorship In their intention to engineer a way to censor the Wanjina Watchers in the Whispering Stone sculpture by Benedikt Osváth, the Blue Mountains City Council joined forces with the Arts Law Centre of Australia and successfully manipulated planning laws, using the…

Truth in Art – Message from Vesna:

In line with What Wanjinas Want, as communicated on 11/03/2011, we are developing a new range of products, inspired by prehistoric Australian cave art, to coincide with the release of “Set in Sand” book. We are adding new themes to our work plan for 2011 which so far includes: Blue Mountains Blues – Wanjina Laughing…

Croatian Herald Exclusive: Death of artistic freedom in Australia – local council supports the vandals

Vesna Tenodi is a well known personality in the Sydney Croatian community. For many years she worked as a translator and interpreter for the Australian Government, and lately also as a community worker with the Croatian Australian Community Council (CACC). In recent years, she – along with husband Damir – renovated a house in the…


ABC Kimberley: Vesna Tenodi is following Wanjina’s instructions

Violent response to Wandjina Watchers sculpture The Wanjina Watchers in the Whispering Stone, the eight-and- a-half tonne sandstone sculpture by Australian artist Benedikt Osváth has been repeatedly vandalised by local thugs who also vandalised the ModroGorje gallery and made death threats to its owners and artists, claiming they acted under orders from a Kimberley tribesman. As one of…


Among the Hostiles excerpts

Our DreamRaiser project was initiated by the Those-Who-Know, or Wanjinas (Aboriginal spiritual forefathers, the DreamTimeKeepers), to raise awareness about two matters: • the dreadful social and spiritual condition the Aboriginal communities live in today, and urgency of a radical change in general approach; • the fact that I responded to the Wanjinas requests and am…


New racism and humbugging an artist

Katoomba businesswoman Vesna Tenodi commissioned artist Ben Osvath to carve a sculpture –Wandjina Watchers in the Whispering Stone – to celebrate the deep spirituality of Aboriginal culture. Spot their mistake, which has them the targets of death threats, vandalism and moral lectures by the viciously sanctimonious… Read more


Nicholas Carbonari – Iconoclast

 A Crusade Echo Point is a magnet of sorts; for tourists; for the suicidal. And, for would be spiritual saviors. A couple of years ago Vesna Tenodi, disciple of the esoteric teachings of Anan-Do, archaeologist, translator and community worker, was making a leisurely visit to the famous tourist spot. Echo Point’s magnificent vista, encompassing the…

Wanjina Watchers spat reveals censorious, anti-art culture

 Here is a perfect illustration of the depressingly censorious attitude that dominates the Australian arts world: A Katoomba businesswoman called Vesna Tenodi commissioned an artist, Ben Osvath, to carve a sculpture called Wandjina Watchers in the Whispering Stone. Its intention was to affirm and celebrate the deep spirituality of Aboriginal culture. However, local Aborigines were…