Vesna Tenodi: WOKEISM and its REVERSE RACISM

“Wokeism and its Reverse Racism” provides an insight into Cancel Culture and its “woke” movement. It is a must-read for anyone interested in Wokeism in Australia, the US and Canada, and in Reverse Racism which has poisoned contemporary Australian society.The book includes the orders that the “woke” organisations give to authors they see as a…

Fraudulent prehistory continues to be supported by Australia’s mainstream, and Cannibalism in Paleolithic/Neolithic Europe and beyond

 Fraudulent “Dark Emu” book, which contains imaginary stories about Australian prehistory misrepresented as fact, written by fake Aborigine Bruce Pascoe, received glowing reviews, literary awards and accolades, and was promptly introduced as compulsory reading into our high schools and universities as a factual history book. Analysis of the fossilized human remains found at the five…

Understanding Australian prehistory accurately depends on honest, non-politicized research

The famous Bradshaw paintings represent only part of the evidence there were other people besides the Aborigines in Australia during the Pleistocene. In order to elevate the tribes to something other than Paleolithic hunter-gatherers, the first priority was to destroy archaeological material which didn’t fit the desired narrative.   Download full article in pdf format:…

Personal experience – savage reactions to Vesna Tenodi’s Open Letter

Personal experience – savage reactions to Vesna Tenodi’s Open Letter to the new Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, suggesting the need for a Federal Inquiry into Aboriginal violence on social media, and also requesting an investigation into general corruption of the Aboriginal industry as a whole. Download full article in pdf format: Personal experience – savage…

Disproved claims of ancient art copyright leads to invention of Australian Newspeak

 Thanks to the support of some sincere lawyers who publicly announced that their colleagues were wrong, the Australian public was finally informed that there is no copyright on ancient art and designs or on artistic styles and techniques, and that all the motifs, symbols and imagery are in the public domain, i.e. they can be…

Aboriginal Industry in Australia – A society of sycophants and hypocrites

“I call these studies alleged research and see them as contentious because I regularly see a great many claims invented  or political purposes and the personal gain of participants in the Aboriginal industry.”     Download full article in pdf format: Aboriginal Industry in Australia – A society of sycophants and hypocrites

Australia – where telling the truth and helping the tribes is seen as “just another form of invasion”, Part 2

Political correctness and other nonscientific practices are increasingly being used by Western institutions to stage-manage public beliefs about prehistory. It is a modern ruse used to promote ideas that would never pass muster in a full and honest disclosure of facts – a common problem in suppression-dependent anthropology.

Australia – where telling the truth and helping the tribes is seen as “just another form of invasion”, Part 1

Ted Strehlow fell out of favour when he asserted that real ancient culture was well and truly extinct, and replaced with a fake culture as devised by the Aboriginal industry. He went from glorified to vilified, for proving that modern Aborigines “no longer have any knowledge of the authentic tribal culture, since the elders and guardians of the secrets were all dead and that whole world is finished, and will never come back”.

Pleistocene underground Part 3

Pleistocene Underground Part 3

There is no credence in any of the Aboriginal industry’s ‘meticulous research’ which supposedly ‘proves that Walsh was wrong’… Walsh concluded that both groups – Bradshaw as well as Wanjina figures – were deliberately destroyed, which was the Aboriginal way of making a statement of cultural dominance over an earlier, non-Aboriginal race… Speaking the truth is now called ‘hate speech’… Fraud and falsified archaeology are now even enshrined in Australian law.

Decoding the messages of Pre-Aboriginal rock art – Part 2

 Aboriginal informants have always claimed that they did not paint the Wanjinas. Likewise, that they did not paint the Bradshaw figures. Those paintings were created by the Pre-Aboriginal races of Rajanes™ and Abrajanes™. Download full article in pdf format: Decoding the messages of Pre-Aboriginal rock art – Part 2

Decoding the messages of Pre-Aboriginal rock art, created by the Pre-Aboriginal races of Rajanes™ and Abrajanes™

 Why is the Aboriginal industry trying so hard to hide the truth about pre-Aboriginal Australian rock art? Download full article in pdf format: Decoding the messages of Pre-Aboriginal rock art, created by the Pre-Aboriginal races of Rajanes™ and Abrajanes™

Vesna Tenodi: Neanderthal–Denisovan–Aboriginal DNA connection

 With their research results between 2010 and 2013, the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, in Leipzig, Germany, upended the firmly established theories of Homo sapiens origins. Out-of Africa, with both the Replacement model as well as the Assimilation model were out the window. Download full article in pdf format: Neanderthal–Denisovan–Aboriginal DNA connection