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ModroGorje Wellness and Art Centre is now running the DreamRaisers initiative.

DreamRaisers is an umbrella project, implemented in three stages.

Its first stage, now completed, includes a book Dreamtime Set in Stone – the Truth about Australian Aborigines, as requested by the Those-Who-Know by Vesna Tenodi, illustrated with Wanjina paintings by Gina Sinozich, and with a DVD of didgeridoo artist Goomblar Wylo.

A second stage, started in early 2010, includes the second book of the “Dreamtime” trilogy, another Wanjina series by Gina Sinozich, a new DVD with Goomblar Wylo, and a sandstone sculpture carved by Sydney artist and educator Ben Osvath.

The sculpture, paintings, and music, all reinforce the ideas put across in the book and convey the same messages. Each artist works in their preferred medium, while all are guided and commissioned by Vesna Tenodi, who is in turn guided and commissioned by the Those-Who-Know.

The purpose of the DreamRaisers endeavour is to raise awareness of the core ideas and principles which are important for the survival of the soul. DreamRaisers participants are those who embrace higher ethics, overcome fear and find courage to stand up for those principles, as detailed in the“Dreamtime Set in Stone” book.

Wanjina Watchers set in the Whispering Stone

As an integral part of the DreamRaisers project, Ben Osvath has carved the 8.5 ton sandstone block in front of ModroGorje centre. The sandstone block is a truly magic stone called the Whispering Stone, and the sculpture carved in it has been named the Wanjina Watchers.

This is an interactive artwork, with a multiple meaning and specific purpose, to be explained and expounded in the second book of the “Dreamtime”trilogy.

One of the objectives of having this sculpture accessible to the public is to raise awareness of the importance of art in the life of every individual and in the community as a whole.

It also provides an opportunity for the local and broader community, and the government and non-government organisations, to discover, or rediscover, the purpose of art and its multiple benefits – the connection between art and wellbeing, art and health, art and philosophy, and the major role that art and creativity play or should play in the contemporary world.

The Wanjina Watchers set in the Whispering Stone are also about Power – the power of beauty, the power of knowledge, the power of our inner self, our own soul, and the power of the Oversoul that rules everything.

The Watchers, as set in the Whispering Stone, are the ever-present, guiding current in this magic artwork, which can heal and enlighten those who approach it with the right attitude and the right motives, and who can resonate with the stone.