Wanjina Watchers art is now available on 
The DreamRaiser Project artists advocate for our right to artistic freedom, freedom to explore and share spirituality, and freedom to seek and speak the truth.
Freedom of thought and expression, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion are seen as basic human rights and civil liberties in Australia. In the case of DreamRaiser artists, all these rights are being trampled on.
Wanjina Watchers art is a part of our protest against the self-appointed art censors who – driven by their own agendas – are trying to dictate what we all can think and say and express in our art.
Message from Vesna, Wanjina CEO: Blue Mountains City Council censorship of artistic expression
The DreamRaiser project has been under attack since 2009. Its participants have been bullied, harassed, had their art vandalised and their lives threatened.
A few Aborigines in the Blue Mountains started their campaign of hate and violence when the “Dreamtime Set in Stone” book by Vesna Tenodi was published in late 2009. In the book, the Aboriginal elder and didgeridoo player Goomblar Wylo decided to tell the truth. This sent some Aborigines into an uncontrollable rage, and the Aboriginal industry into unlawful actions.
Local Aborigines see current Australian goodwill and the Government’s efforts to right the wrongs of the past as a perfect opportunity for revenge. They are not interested in reconciliation or co-operation of any kind, as it seems they have only hate in their hearts and revenge on their mind. For them, this is Payback Time. They have no interest in improving their condition or using taxpayer’s funds to go to school and get a job, as Goomblar wisely suggested they should.
Goomblar’s thoughts were echoed by the Dalai Lama during his visit to Australia: “Aboriginal people need to modernise; they should pay more attention, get some education and training, and they should learn to work hard – only then can they hope to survive in our modern world”.