
Corruption in the Aboriginal Industry and its threat to freedom of expression

 Media Release 12 February 2015 – Corruption in the Aboriginal Industry and its threat to freedom of expression Request to the Federal Government for an Inquiry into Corruption in the Aboriginal Industry, and for investigation of Aboriginal violence against non-Aboriginal artists – includes a letter illustrating typical foolish demands, false claims that artists need “permission”…


The social impact of Aboriginal hate in contemporary Australian society

Silencing the voices of reason, a social, political and archaeological study, examining art censorship In their intention to engineer a way to censor the Wanjina Watchers in the Whispering Stone sculpture by Benedikt Osváth, the Blue Mountains City Council joined forces with the Arts Law Centre of Australia and successfully manipulated planning laws, using the…

Wanjina Watchers spat reveals censorious, anti-art culture

 Here is a perfect illustration of the depressingly censorious attitude that dominates the Australian arts world: A Katoomba businesswoman called Vesna Tenodi commissioned an artist, Ben Osvath, to carve a sculpture called Wandjina Watchers in the Whispering Stone. Its intention was to affirm and celebrate the deep spirituality of Aboriginal culture. However, local Aborigines were…