
“Dreamtime Set in Stone – the Truth about Australian Aborigines, as requested by the Those-Who-Know” by Vesna Tenodi [Kindle Edition]

 “Dreamtime Set in Stone – the Truth about Australian Aborigines, as requested by the Those-Who-Know” by Vesna Tenodi [Kindle Edition] NEW on Amazon: The book that some violent Aborigines wanted banned and their lawyers tried to confiscate. Conversations with Aboriginal elder Goomblar Wylo. Goomblar’s didgeridoo performance, originallyDVD companion to the book, now on YouTube

Wanjinas - Crede ut intelligas

Five-to-twelve – Dreamtime is over, it’s time to wake up!

 The higher cosmic beings, Master Ananda and the Those-Who-Know, in November 2011 gave an assessment of the current condition of the world, with advice, warnings and encouragements. The Masters said that 10 December 2011 is a tipping point, at which the world will become locked-in the state as people have chosen themselves. Until 20 December…