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Here comes the Pleistocene Coalition and Vesna Tenodi (17.01.2025.) - Some would think that the Australian researchers in this paper have suddenly gone extremely ‘Woke’, but the Wokeism and Cancel Culture in Australia started long before these terms even existed. This type of vilification and censorship of politically inconvenient authors was already noticed a few decades ago, started snowballing after our then Prime Minister Kevin…Read More
Vesna Tenodi: True Colours (06.12.2024.) - An excerpt from my new book “True Colours” related to the Environmental Defender’s Office (EDO) case of the dazed and confused serpent and crocodile, seeking instructions for their “sacred songlines” map. Work in progress… Download the full pdf e-Book here: Vesna Tenodi: True Colours
Vesna Tenodi: Love Long Lost (06.10.2024.) - “Love Long Lost” is part of our ongoing initiative to fight against Wokeism and Cancel Culture, as well as against aboriginalisation and aggressive ‘decolonisation’ process that is being conducted in Australia – under which the public buildings, statues and monuments, as well as private properties, art galleries and politically undesirable artworks are being vandalised and…Read More
Vesna Tenodi: WOKEISM and its REVERSE RACISM (10.10.2022.) - “Wokeism and its Reverse Racism” provides an insight into Cancel Culture and its “woke” movement. It is a must-read for anyone interested in Wokeism in Australia, the US and Canada, and in Reverse Racism which has poisoned contemporary Australian society.The book includes the orders that the “woke” organisations give to authors they see as a…Read More
Personal experience – savage reactions to Vesna Tenodi’s Open Letter (13.06.2019.) - Personal experience – savage reactions to Vesna Tenodi’s Open Letter to the new Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, suggesting the need for a Federal Inquiry into Aboriginal violence on social media, and also requesting an investigation into general corruption of the Aboriginal industry as a whole. Download full article in pdf format: Personal experience – savage…Read More
Vesna Tenodi: Aboriginal Paleolithic paintings explained (23.02.2019.) - There is no credence in any of the Aboriginal industry’s ‘meticulous research’ which supposedly ‘proves that Walsh was wrong’... Walsh concluded that both groups – Bradshaw as well as Wanjina figures – were deliberately destroyed, which was the Aboriginal way of making a statement of cultural dominance over an earlier, non-Aboriginal race... Speaking the truth is now called ‘hate speech’... Fraud and falsified archaeology are now even enshrined in Australian law.
Vesna Tenodi: A society of sycophants and hypocrites (30.10.2018.) - Vesna Tenodi: A society of sycophants and hypocrites “I call these studies alleged research and see them as contentious because I regularly see a great many claims invented or political purposes and the personal gain of participants in the Aboriginal industry.”
Aboriginal Industry in Australia – A society of sycophants and hypocrites (30.10.2018.) - “I call these studies alleged research and see them as contentious because I regularly see a great many claims invented or political purposes and the personal gain of participants in the Aboriginal industry.” Download full article in pdf format: Aboriginal Industry in Australia – A society of sycophants and hypocrites
Vesna Tenodi: The circles of evil (21.06.2018.) - Acclaimed Aboriginal artist Harold Thomas... an educated Aboriginal elder… is horrified by these Government attempts to legally regulate who can be inspired
by what imagery.
Vesna Tenodi: Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Aboriginal-style art and craft (21.06.2018.) - Politically-prescribed and legally concocted “codes of conduct” and “protocols,” invented by the Aboriginal industry, are propagated in a way that can mislead any naive reader into believing that such “protocols” are actually enshrined in law. As a consequence, alleged “sacred customs” that have never actually existed have become mandatory in all public institutions and agencies.
Lost World found again (30.10.2017.) - When my last article was published I was again attacked and abused for saying that some Australian archaeologists are making false claims, deliberately misrepresenting, or — in some cases — outright fabricating evidence to support their invented story of the “ancient culture” that never actually existed.
Vesna Tenodi: Lost World found again (30.10.2017.) - When my last article was published I was again attacked and abused for saying that some Australian archaeologists are making false claims, deliberately misrepresenting, or — in some cases — outright fabricating evidence to support their invented story of the “ancient culture” that never actually existed.
Happy Easter to all of our DreamRaiser™ Project participants (11.04.2017.) - artists, friends, students and supporters – the Game Changers, Rule Breakers and Risk Takers.
Artwork: "INBY – The Mystery of the Resurrection" by Graeme & Vesna, from the "Resurrection - When Jesus is Rising, Wanjinas are Rejoicing" workshops.
© DreamRaiser/Vesna Tenodi
Australia – where telling the truth and helping the tribes is seen as “just another form of invasion”, Part 1 (17.02.2017.) - Ted Strehlow fell out of favour when he asserted that real ancient culture was well and truly extinct, and replaced with a fake culture as devised by the Aboriginal industry. He went from glorified to vilified, for proving that modern Aborigines “no longer have any knowledge of the authentic tribal culture, since the elders and guardians of the secrets were all dead and that whole world is finished, and will never come back”.
Merry Christmas from the DreamRaiser™ Project 2016 (25.12.2016.) - Merry Christmas to all our artists, friends and supporters the Game Changers, Rule Breakers and Risk Takers. Keep creating great art for the DreamRaiser™ Project in 2017 and beyond! Vesna Tenodi, Wanjina CEO © Silent Christ by Imre Osváth
Vesna Tenodi: From Stone Age to Space Age – Part 3 – The Truth about the Wanjina (20.10.2016.) - This article is dedicated to Ian Wilson, author of Lost World of the Kimberley, published in 2006, attacked by the Aboriginal industry for his “provocative” research of Bradshaw paintings attributed to a pre-Aboriginal race which he called the Bradshaw people. Australian cave art has a lot in common with Asian prehistoric art. In the Stone Age art of Indonesia as found on Sulawesi island animal drawings were dated to 35,000 years ago placing them among the oldest figurative depictions in the world...
Vesna Tenodi: From Stone Age to Space Age – Part 2 (19.08.2016.) - Same signs, same minds: Palaeolithic artefacts decorated with identical patterns such as parallel lines, ladder motif, cross-hatch pattern, dots and circles – together with jewellery made of shells, bones or pebbles – form part of a decorative repertoire typical for the Upper Palaeolithic period in the Mediterranean basin. The same motifs are also typical for Stone Age material found in Australia...
Vesna Tenodi: From Stone Age to Space Age, Part 1 (23.06.2016.) - Vela Spila on Korcula Island in Croatian - What is typical Neolithic material doing in a Paleolithic stratum? The Pleistocene Coalition is a group of researchers challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific agendas which are promoted despite empirical evidence to the contrary...
Fake Aborigines at Australian Universities (13.06.2016.) - What Australians really think: We are waiting for the good professor, and his colleagues, to apologise to Andrew Bolt. Why is it politically acceptable for these bureaucrats to "discover" the obvious, without being ridiculed and slandered like Andrew? And like Vesna, Gina, Ben and Goomblar, we should add. Hypocrites and sycophants, the lot of them.
Vesna Tenodi: Pleistocene underground – Part 3 (30.03.2016.) - Unethical practices, such as these found in the Australian mainstream, were clearly explained by the great American physicist Richard Feynman, who summed it up as follows:
“No government has the right to decide on the truth of scientific principles, nor to prescribe in any way the character of the questions investigated. Neither may a government determine the aesthetic value of artistic creations, nor limit the forms of literary or artistic expression..."...
Pleistocene Underground Part 3 (30.03.2016.) - There is no credence in any of the Aboriginal industry’s ‘meticulous research’ which supposedly ‘proves that Walsh was wrong’... Walsh concluded that both groups – Bradshaw as well as Wanjina figures – were deliberately destroyed, which was the Aboriginal way of making a statement of cultural dominance over an earlier, non-Aboriginal race... Speaking the truth is now called ‘hate speech’... Fraud and falsified archaeology are now even enshrined in Australian law.
Happy Easter from the DreamRaiser™ Project (25.03.2016.) - Art from our "Resurrection - When Jesus is Rising, Wanjinas are Rejoicing" workshop, held in Sydney yesterday. Human figures created by Gina Sinozich.
© 2016 DreamRaiser/Vesna Tenodi
Call for Aboriginal identity tests to expose fake Aborigines (20.02.2016.) - After decades of being terrorised by fake Aborigines – white individuals and groups who masquerade as indigenous people – Australians have had enough. The problems of Aboriginal violence and fake Aborigines rorting the system kept escalating for almost 50 years, with no-one daring to tackle those politically sensitive issues...
Vesna Tenodi: Pleistocene underground – Part 2 (15.02.2016.) - The suppression of evidence in science is not only the mainstream against challenging ideas but also mainstream against mainstream and usually for political reasons. The Pleistocene Coalition is a group of researchers challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific agendas which are promoted despite empirical evidence to the contrary...
Vesna Tenodi: Pleistocene underground – Part 1 (15.12.2015.) - The suppression of evidence in science is not only the mainstream against challenging ideas but also mainstream against mainstream and usually for political reasons...
Vesna Tenodi: Australian artists terrorized by the taxpayer-funded Aboriginal Industry (01.09.2015.) - Vesna Tenodi: Australian artists terrorized by the taxpayer-funded Aboriginal Industry The Pleistocene Coalition is a group of researchers challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific agendas which are promoted despite empirical evidence to the contrary. Join a community not afraid to challenge the status quo:
Vesna Tenodi: Australian archaeology, art, and politics intertwined (01.07.2015.) - Vesna Tenodi: Australian archaeology, art, and politics intertwined. The Pleistocene Coalition is a group of researchers challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific agendas which are promoted despite empirical evidence to the contrary. Join a community not afraid to challenge the status quo:
Decoding the messages of Pre-Aboriginal rock art – Part 3 (22.06.2015.) - Those paintings were created by the advanced Pre-Aboriginal races of Rajanes™ and Abrajanes™, predating aboriginal tribes by hundreds of thousands of years. Download full article in pdf format: Decoding the messages of Pre-Aboriginal rock art – Part 3
Decoding the messages of Pre-Aboriginal rock art – Part 2 (22.04.2015.) - Aboriginal informants have always claimed that they did not paint the Wanjinas. Likewise, that they did not paint the Bradshaw figures. Those paintings were created by the Pre-Aboriginal races of Rajanes™ and Abrajanes™. Download full article in pdf format: Decoding the messages of Pre-Aboriginal rock art – Part 2
Corruption in the Aboriginal Industry and its threat to freedom of expression (12.02.2015.) - Media Release 12 February 2015 – Corruption in the Aboriginal Industry and its threat to freedom of expression Request to the Federal Government for an Inquiry into Corruption in the Aboriginal Industry, and for investigation of Aboriginal violence against non-Aboriginal artists – includes a letter illustrating typical foolish demands, false claims that artists need “permission”…Read More
Vesna Tenodi: Saving the Wanjina Watchers in the Whispering Stone (04.07.2014.) - Vesna Tenodi: Saving the Wanjina Watchers in the Whispering Stone The Pleistocene Coalition is a group of researchers challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific agendas which are promoted despite empirical evidence to the contrary. Join a community not afraid to challenge the status quo:
Vesna Tenodi: Brain matters, Part 2: Trepanated and elongated skulls (15.04.2014.) - Vesna Tenodi: Brain matters, Part 2: Trepanated and elongated skulls The Pleistocene Coalition is a group of researchers challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific agendas which are promoted despite empirical evidence to the contrary. Join a community not afraid to challenge the status quo:
Rockdale Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition 2014 (29.01.2014.) - ANZAC Wanjinas by Vesna Tenodi: “Rising Sun – Sharing the Spirit of ANZAC” is a tribute to all Australians who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. It celebrates the spirit of ANZAC, with its human qualities of duty, honour, courage, and sacrifice, which have shaped our sense of national identity. Its…Read More
Vesna Tenodi: Brain matters (28.01.2014.) - Vesna Tenodi: Brain matters The Pleistocene Coalition is a group of researchers challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific agendas which are promoted despite empirical evidence to the contrary. Join a community not afraid to challenge the status quo:
The Wanjinas say: WITHOUT TRUTH – THERE IS NO HOPE! (26.01.2014.) - Spoken by: Jesse Russell-Williams Lyrics: Wanjinas Art: “Wanjina Watchers” by Gina Sinozich, Benedikt Osváth, Marina Lapadatovic, Graeme Biddle, Vesna Tenodi, Damir Tenodi Didgeridoo: Aboriginal artist Goomblar Wylo Book by Vesna Tenodi “Dreamtime Set in Stone — the Truth about Australian Aborigines, as requested by the Those-Who-Know” Goomblar’s didgeridoo performance at ModroGorje Gallery — DVD companion…Read More
Vesna Tenodi is nominated as the Australian of the Year (14.01.2014.) - Vesna Tenodi is nominated as the Australian of the Year by a group of Australian intellectuals, because of her ongoing efforts to protect freedom of expression, to assert the rights of Australian artists to create art without censorship, and the right of Australian archaeologists to investigate the past without political interference. As a part of her…Read More
Vesna Tenodi: Contrasting Georgian & Australian Archaeology (01.11.2013.) - Vesna Tenodi: Contrasting Georgian & Australian Archaeology The Pleistocene Coalition is a group of researchers challenging the tenets of mainstream scientific agendas which are promoted despite empirical evidence to the contrary. Join a community not afraid to challenge the status quo:
Contemporary Aboriginal art is crap (19.09.2013.) - “Aboriginal art is crap, repetitive patterns suitable for decorative rugs, discussed in dramatically hallowed terms, spectacular fraud playing on the corporate guilt, the stale rejiggings of a half-remembered heritage, corrupted art with all energy, purpose and authenticity lost…” Britain’s leading art critics say it as it is, and give their honest, objective assessment of contemporary…Read More