ABC 7.30 Report: Amazing Art by Gina Sinozich 24/02/2005

Gina-Sinozich ABC 7.30 Report: Amazing Art by Gina Sinozich 24/02/2005
One of the DreamRaiser Project iconic artists Gina Sinozich and her amazing art were highly appreciated and admired as illustrated in this ABC segment broadcast in 2005. In 2009, in collaboration with Vesna Tenodi, Gina created the Wanjina Watchers series for the Dreamtime Set in Stone Trilogy. The paintings were inspired by pre-aboriginal Australian rock art created by the pre-aboriginal race of Abrajanes. That enraged some very violent Aborigines, who started harassing, threatening and intimidating the DreamRaiser artists. More videos about the DreamRaiser remarkable artists will be posted in 2013.

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